If you need something for kids to do outside while the weather is changing, this is a great time consumer! Or- take the nature inside to do on a rainy day or as part of a science set up.
You'll Need:
-Leaves (can be a paper print out)
-Measuring sticks or tape that are kid friendly
-Optional Paper and Writing Utensils to Record
Set up your spot with different sized leaves out. Place a measuring stick for each child, or enough to share. Make sure the units are kid friendly. A large measuring tape probably isn't going to work well. A 1 ft ruler would be great. Help the kids count if you need to. Show them how to measure and where to record (if desired). You could measure length and width, and compare how a longer one isn't necessarily bigger. You could set this up where they need to measure and place from shortest to longest. This could be done as a group or individually. If you are printing leaves, you could have them end up being lined up in rainbow order for more fun. You can take this outside and just let them measure and order how they please with no adult instruction or intervention. You could take a straight sturdy stick and paint evenly spaced markings for them to use as a ruler.